The Repeal of the Windfall Elimination Provision
The recent passage of the Social Security Fairness Act of 2023 has marked a significant victory for public service workers and cross-border retirees.
Tax Planning
Capital Loss Planning
The federal government’s 2024 proposed changes to the capital gains inclusion rate (CGIR) have introduced new complexity into the year-end ritual of harvesting capital losses.
Tax Planning

Tax Implications of the Fall Economic Statement: Addressing everyday costs on a day filled with uncertainty
Tax Planning
Understanding Probate: What you need to know.
Probate is an administrative process, involving an application to court,
to prove the validity of a will and the executor’s power to act pursuant
to that will.
Retirement & Estate Planning
Insights and Strategies
Markets Closing Out a Good Year Despite Uncertainties
Markets & Investing

2024 Year-end Tax Planning Opportunities
These important tax and financial planning moves can help prepare you for the upcoming tax season and better align your finances with your short- and long-term goals.
Tax Planning