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Tax Flash Bulletin

2023 Saskatchewan Budget Highlights

On March 22, 2023, Saskatchewan Minster of Finance, Donna Harpauer, released the province’s budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. We have highlighted selected budget measures that affect Saskatchewan individuals and small businesses.


Personal Tax Rates

The budget did not propose any changes to personal income tax rates. Saskatchewan indexed the 2023 brackets at an inflation rate of 6.3%.

Saskatchewan Income Tax Brackets and Tax Rates

2022 Taxable Income 2023 Taxable Income Tax Rate
$0 to $46,773 $0 to $49,720 10.50%
$46,773 to $133,638 $49,720 to $142,058 12.50%
Over $133,638 Over $142,058 14.50%


Top Combined Saskatchewan and Federal Rates

Income Type 2022 2023
Salary, interest, pension, foreign 47.50% 47.50%
Eligible dividends 29.64% 29.64%
Non-eligible dividends 41.82% 41.82%
Capital gains 23.75% 23.75%

Top rates apply to income over $235,675 ($221,708 for 2022) based on known federal and provincial rates as of March 22, 2023. 

Enhancement to the Saskatchewan Mineral Exploration Tax Credit

  • The budget increases the provincial mineral exploration tax credit from 10 per cent to 30 per cent, effective for the 2023 taxation year.

Social Services and Assistance Measures

  • The budget reduces childcare fees for families with children up to the age of six to $10 per day, effective April 1, 2023.
  • Saskatchewan Income Support recipients will receive increases of $30 per month, specifically the Adult Basic Benefit, Shelter Benefit, and the Alternative Heating Benefit, Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID), and Senior’s Income Plan (SIP) benefits.
  • The Personal Care Home Benefit will increase by up to $400 per month and SAID recipients under age 65 who live in personal care homes will receive up to $684 more per month.


Corporate Income Tax Rates

The budget did not change any corporate income tax rates or the $600,000 small business income threshold. The government had previously reduced the small business tax rate to 0% effective October 1, 2020 on a temporary basis. The small business corporate tax rate will increase to 1% on July 1, 2023 and increase to 2% on July 1, 2024 to return the tax rate back to the pre-pandemic rate.

Income Type Provincial Federal Combined Calendar 2023
General corporate income 12.00% 15.00% 27.00%
Small business income < $500,000 0.50% 9.00% 9.50%
Small business income between $500,000 to $600,000  0.50% 15.00% 15.50%
CCPC* investment income  12.00% 38.67% 50.67%
Non-CCPC investment income 12.00% 15.00% 27.00%
Manufacturing & processing income 10.00% 15.00% 25.00%

* Canadian-controlled private corporation
Based on known federal and provincial rates as of March 22, 2023

SK small business tax rate changes Tax Rate
Extended to June 30, 2023 0%
Effective July 1, 2023
Effective July 1, 2024 2%

Extension of Saskatchewan Manufacturing and Processing Exporter Tax Incentive

  • The incentive provides non-refundable tax credits to eligible corporations that increase the number of full-time employees above the baseline in 2014.
  • The budget extends the incentive until December 31, 2023.

Refer to the 2023 Saskatchewan Budget for further details


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