Generational Wealth Management

Michael Photo

Michael Higgins, BCom, FMA, FCSI 
Wealth Advisor | Associate Portfolio Manager
(250) 405-2428 
(866) 405-2449

Ryan Cramp

Ryan Cramp, CIM, CFP® 
Wealth Advisor | Portfolio Manager
(250) 405-2433 
(866) 405-2449

Jill Cramp

Jill Cramp, BSc, CFP® 
Wealth Advisor
(250) 405-2426 
(866) 405-2449

For over 25 years, the Generational Wealth Management Group has worked with individuals, families and institutions to preserve and grow their wealth in a prudent and responsible manner. We take a comprehensive approach to wealth management; one that is responsive to our clients’ needs and reflects their beliefs and ethics. The result is a wealth management philosophy that provides our clients with the comfort they seek and the income they need.

Our clients understand the need to provide for their goals today, but also see the importance in considering the next generation when it comes to managing their wealth. Whether it’s providing for loved ones or the charitable causes dear to them, our clients can be confident their wealth management plan ensures the legacy they want to leave.

We invite you to further explore why you should consider selecting us to help manage your family’s wealth.

Call or email Mike, Ryan or Jill today to start the conversation.