Franco's Story

The Papalia's, Franco, Karen, Zak, Josh and Sam, were first introduced to the Kibaale Project when the boys began attending Pacific Academy School located in Surrey, British Columbia. Pacific Academy operates the Kibaale Community School in the Rakai district of Uganda, through the Pacific Academy Outreach Society. In 1998, the Papalia family sponsored four very young boys, Daniel, Luke, John and Paul. Sponsorship includes the cost of education, uniforms, a daily meal and healthcare.
In 2005, Franco visited the Kibaale School in Uganda and had the opportunity to personally meet the boys and their families. They communicate regularly by mail and email. The Papalia's continue to fund the education needs of the boys. Paul and Luke completed a two year post secondary vocational program at Kibaale school in the Carpentry program. They are now both very successful and working in local trades shops and making a fair wage. John moved from his village to Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, to seek opportunities.
Daniel is attending Makere University in Kampala with the goal of completing his business degree. Daniel's dream is to build a transport company. Daniel is quoted as saying "here we live in a failed state full of corruption, dictatorship and extravagance of our leaders. I shall work so hard to change this situation right from my home, for God and my country". The Papalia’s are very proud of Daniel and of what he has been able to accomplish given his circumstances.