Retirement Planning Building for the Future

We work with you to ensure you have a plan in place to create the future you’ve dreamed of — one filled with the freedom do enjoy the things that matter most to you. As a team, we take on the responsibility of safeguarding your wealth and guiding you along the way to that future.

No matter what stage of your life’s journey you’ve reached, we offer a range of options to build a custom strategy tailored to bring you closer to your dream.

Establishing goals

Starting with establishing realistic plans, we look at your overall financial picture. Depending on your age, there are different priorities which need to be established: debt reduction for any high-interest debt, emergency savings account for the unexpected, RRSPs, RESPs, mortgage pay down, and more.

The most important aspect for financial planning is time. The earlier you start to plan for retirement the better off you’ll be. Setting up regular contributions to a tax advantaged retirement plan and depending on your age, creating additional savings if needed to achieve your goals. Together, we’ll consider the level of income needed to support you throughout retirement taking into account healthcare costs, travel, inflation, and increased life expectancy.

Life changes

The unexpected will happen. None of us have lives that go exactly according to plan. That’s why we will continue to consistently hold reviews with you so we are aware of any unforeseen changes and can adjust for them.

Contact us for a 30 minute “Ask-us-anything” meeting to discuss moving you closer to a more certain future.

Access the Value of Confidential Integrated Wealth Management Advice on Your Current Investments

If a friend, family member, or family office has referred you to us, please email us at or contact us directly at +1 (403) 221-0315 to set up a confidential introductory meeting.

Please keep in mind that diversification and asset allocation do not ensure a profit or protect against a loss.

Alternative investments involve specific risks that may be greater than those associated with traditional investments and may be offered only to clients who meet specific suitability requirements, including minimum net worth tests. You should consider the special risks with alternative investments including limited liquidity, tax considerations, incentive fee structures, potentially speculative investment strategies, and different regulatory and reporting requirements. You should only invest in hedge funds, managed futures or other similar strategies if you do not require a liquid investment and can bear the risk of substantial losses. There can be no assurance that any investment will meet its performance objectives or that substantial losses will be avoided.