
Our Commitment to Empowering through Education

Education is one of Sophia Financial’s fundamental pillars, and we are committed to delivering ongoing education regularly and effectively. Most workshops are held in our offices and are typically open to the public. Our objective is to boost your knowledge of the markets and financial planning and to create confident, wise and informed investors. We are also regularly asked to do presentations and speak at a variety of workshops and gatherings on topics as diverse as finance, leadership, the markets and the economy. We offer client appreciation events and education, directed exclusively to our clients on topics that are of particular importance to them.

Thank you for your presence in my life! Beyond the incredibly helpful guidance and wisdom you offer to me financially, I value your view of the world. Your sense of giving and service, your calm, grounded nature and your genuine warm ‘live life to the fullest’ nature make each meeting a joy!
Joan R.CEO, Vancouver, B.C.