Partner With Us

This is the process to become a client. If something isn’t clear or you need more information, please give us a shout or visit our ‘Who We Are’ page.

If you’re already a client, have a look at step seven. If we aren’t sticking to the plan, please contact us immediately to let us have it.

Step 1 - Fifteen minute phone call
The purpose of this call is to make sure that we can help with exactly what you’re looking for. If we can help, we’ll book our first meeting. If we can’t, we’ll put you in touch with an advisor who can.

Step 2 - Our first appointment
Here’s the meeting agenda for our first appointment.

  • Discuss what's most important to you from a financial perspective and why.
  • Review your cash flow, net worth, tax and estate plans, and how you view risk.
  • Explain our client service process, what we do, and how we get paid.

Step 3 - Our analysis
We’ll review everything you shared with us at our first appointment, both the qualitative and the quantitative, to answer the following questions:

  • Are you doing what’s optimal given what’s important?
  • Can you afford to retire when and how you want?
  • Are you overpaying your taxes?
  • Can your investment portfolio be improved?
  • Can you eliminate or reduce threats to your financial plan?

Step 4 - Our second appointment
Here’s the meeting agenda for our second appointment.

  • Review and summarize what we discussed at our first meeting.
  • Answer the five questions noted above.
  • Discuss potential action-items to improve your current and future financial situation.

At the end of this meeting we’ll ask you if you’d like to partner with us and explain what that looks like. We’ll also discuss how to best implement those action-items. If you need time to decide, that’s perfectly fine.

Step 5 - Decide or take your time 
We’re in no rush for you to make a decision. If you need to think about it, please take your time. If you have additional questions, please let us know.

Step 6 - Get to work on the action-items
Some action-items are simple and can be taken care of quickly, others can take weeks or even months. We’ll work with you for as long as it takes to complete them.

Step 7 - Stick to the plan
Once the initial action-items are complete, we’ll have a meeting to ensure no corners have been cut and everything is as it should be (for now, at least). We want to make sure you’re comfortable.

We’ll then discuss how often you want to meet (usually once or twice a year) and we’ll provide you with our client service calendar.

The client service calendar outlines exactly why, when, and how we’ll be in touch with you every single year. Odds are we’ll have new action-items to implement each year.

The good news for you? All you’ll have to do is pick up when we call.

Contact us now to get started.