Why We Do It

The personal finance profession often markets itself as if complicated is best, predicting the future is possible, and reacting to news is the right course of action.

I used to believe this. During the great financial crisis of 2008, hedge fund managers, market prognosticators, and doomsayers became famous by waxing poetic in the most complicated way possible, acting as if they could predict the future.

What did I learn? Though they sounded smart (and did they ever), none of their predictions came true.

After over fourteen years in this profession, I’ve come to understand something simple but powerful: at the end of the day, people just want to know they’ll be okay. That’s it. “Vince, just tell us we’re going to be okay” is what I hear most. It’s not about trying to outsmart the market or predict the future. It’s about feeling secure - knowing that you, your family, and your future are protected. That’s what the personal finance profession should focus on.

So, why do I do this? Because I believe Herlaar Wealth Management’s three rules should be the norm in our profession:

  • Simple is tough but best.
  • No one can predict the future.
  • Proactive beats reactive.

I want to work with you so that you feel that sense of security every day - without the unnecessary complications, failed predictions, and constant reacting to market noise.

Give us a shout if this resonates with you. We’re here to make sure you know that you’re going to be okay.