Raymond James: Our dedicated partner

Team Rights

What We Ask Of Our Clients

Courtesy – We contact our clients on a regularly scheduled basis, or when required. When we call, we have your best interests in mind. If you are not in when we call, please call us back as soon as possible.

Important Updates – We have agreed as to the frequency and method of communication each of our clients prefers. However, important client life events often take place at other times. Events such as death, severance, or divorce are critical information for our Team to know so we can properly service your needs.

Yes or No – When presenting financial solutions, we are entitled to an answer of yes or no. The more time we procrastinate on ‘maybe’, the less time we have to manage your portfolio. To us, ‘no’ does not mean never, it simply means not now.

Value – Clients who insist on discounts should understand that we may have to eliminate part of our services. We are a full service team of professionals. Our commissions and fees are our livelihood.

Referrals – If we perform to your satisfaction, the greatest compliment to our Team is a referral.

Feedback – We are entitled to both positive and negative client feedback. We want to know when you are unhappy. Likewise, we need to know what is working for you. Open honest communication with our Team works to your benefit.