Quebec Immigrant Investor Program

The Quebec Immigrant Investor Program, which was established in 1986, is designed to allow business people who meet specific criteria to enter Quebec and obtain permanent residency, while contributing to the economic development of the province. Approved applicants must invest $1,200,000, interest free, in a government guaranteed investment for a period of five years.

The primary requirements to qualify under the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program are*:

  • Possess a minimum of two years management experience or business experience within the five year period preceding the application
  • Have a legally acquired personal net worth of CDN$2.0 million
  • Commit to making an investment of CDN$1,200,000 into a passive government guaranteed investment note for a period of five year bearing no interest.

Investissement Quebec allocates a portion of the interest earned on the 5 year investment towards supporting growth in the Quebec economy by offering small- to medium-sized businesses the opportunity for a non-repayable contribution

Raymond James Ltd. is proud to be an authorized Financial Intermediary approved by the Minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion (MIDI) of the province of Quebec.

For further information on the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program, please contact Raymond James at 438-843-0122.


Useful links:

*Subject to change.